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Three years ago, I joined some furry authors on a collaborative furry fiction anthology with this premise: by a random lottery, write a short story as if you were another writer. This is what led to us publishing "Awoo, Who's This?: Furry Writers Imitating Furry Writers". For myself, I got picked with Alison Cybe, and "Rewrite" is my attempt at crafting a story they would usually write.

Taking place in the future, a motel room's A.I. plays the role of a counselor to two young men, a human and an anthro, trying to make their taboo relationship work.

And honestly? I really enjoyed this. I hope you will too! 


Ashen Hugo-Blind Wolf

Wow, this was a well writen story. I'm very impressed.


Thank you. I'm very happy with this. And I consider it one of my most solid works.


I loved this. This is where I want to see AI. A friend/companion one can talk to without fear or prejudice. Offer advice collected from thousands of encounters, and help us be wise.


Thank you! And you’re right. It still feels weird though that I actually wrote this 3-4 years before A.I suddenly started to become discussed & commonplace.