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Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well now that Fall is fast approaching?

You've likely noticed I haven't been posting that many stories or chapters of ongoing story series/novels-in-progress. This isn't to say I've not been working on them at all. In fact, I am happy to say that both "Maverick Hotel" or "Cherry" are about between 2/3 to 3/4 complete, and I plan to finish them within the next year. I've dedicated the past few years to them, and if there's one thing I ABSOLUTELY HATE as an avid reader, it's finding out an engaging storyline isn't finished because its writer decided not to complete it. Instead, it's left abandoned and spends years or even decades gathering dust on the World Wide Web. Although I'm quite guilty of it myself in the past as a beginning writer, the last thing I want is letting other readers down, and not giving them a satisfactory conclusion to the tale.

Progress has been slow because of a couple factors. The main one has been a new retail job I've been acclimating myself to since July. The hours are slightly longer and some shifts end with me completely exhausted or mentally drained, but the improved payment (and amazing coworkers) have been worth it. However, there's also been another side project I've been working on in collaboration with Fruitz, titled "Two Souls of Fangcrest Manor". It's a supernatural gay romance set in both modern day and the Victorian era, and trust me when I say you'll be seeing it very, very soon~<3

Speaking of which, one of the other problems I've faced in writing multiple projects lately is juggling narrative voices. Basically, I have one project (like "Maverick Hotel") that takes place in a dystopic setting and another project (like "Cherry"), that takes place in a neo-noir setting, both of which are relatively easy to jump in-between writing. However, with a project like "Two Souls of Fangcrest Manor" that relies a lot on Victorian language and imagery, it feels jarring to suddenly write a page of that just after doing the same thing for one of the previous storylines. For me, it's easier to focus more on one project that has a consistent narrative voice than quickly transferring from one to the other. 

Okay, with that little vent out of the way, I still want to thank you all for your faves and comments. Seriously, it is a treasure to know you care. I love hearing your thoughts and reading what you think of my stories. <3


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