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Once again, Fruitz has surprised me with another gift art. This time, it's for a new OC I've been writing while working on a certain project alongside Fruitz, and he'll play an integral part of the story set in my Resonance universe. This is Abraham Heathcliff, or 'Bram' for short. He's a pansexual jackrabbit who works as a co-founder/lead investigator for the Paranormal Hunter Society operating along Route 66.

As always, Fruitz did an amazing job! Here's some stats for you, if you're interesting in learning more about him: 

Full name: Abraham Simon Heathcliff

Species: Jackrabbit

Gender: Male

Height/Weight: 6' 2", 160 lbs.

Age: 30

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Job Occupation: Paranormal Investigator/Part-time Carpenter

Personality Traits: Idealistic, Fanciful, Hypersexual, Snarky, Superstitious, Determined, Levelheaded, Optimistic, Respectful, Outgoing.

Likes: Parties, Libraries, History, Supernatural Romances, Interesting Mysteries, Horror Movies, Paranormal Knowledge, Hard Liquor, Urban Exploration, having a Good Night’s Sleep, having Casual Sex, his Paranormal Hunters Society Coworkers, Driving Across Route 66.

Dislikes: Sour Food, Thick Clothing, Cold Weather, Homophobes, Hangovers, Mundane Cases, Insomnia, Being Too Scared, Screwing Up, Being Indecisive, having Sleep Paralysis Episodes, having Nightmares Where He Feels Powerless. 

Current Residence: Nueva Fe, New Mexico. He rents a modest apartment located between his day job and the office space building where the Paranormal Hunter Society operates from. 

Interesting Fact #1: Bram’s favorite film is tied between “The Haunting” and “Fear and Loathing in Oasis”, the former being a big inspiration towards him becoming a paranormal investigator.

Interesting Fact #2: Bram is the youngest of seven siblings, the oldest of whom—named Timothy—is eighteen years older than him. All his older siblings work for their father. 

Interesting Fact #3: The Heathcliff family originates from New England, specifically Rhode Island, and are descended from minor British nobility who moved from England to the New World at some point in the late-seventeenth century. 

Interesting Fact #4: One of Bram’s ex-boyfriends gave him the nickname ‘Wuthering Heights’ back when they first met, and he still calls him that.

Interesting Fact #5: Yes, Bram’s nickname is derived from the author of his most favorite novel of all time, “Dracula”.

Interesting Fact #6: He used to suffer from severe sleep paralysis. 

Bram Heathcliff (c) Domus Vocis.



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