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We’ve all seen the news. It’s been an unbelievable few months, followed by a tense week eventually culminating into a dark day for the history books. Ever since I discovered what was going on last night, I’ve been having conversations with various Russian furries who are condemning Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. They’re all disgusted that such a madman is invading a neighboring country that only wants to be left alone. One of my Russian friends is even going out to protest the war, despite the risk of arrest or imprisonment. 

This war needs to stop. It has to stop before even one single nuclear missile is launched and it’s too late. 

Don’t think I’m a complete pacifist though. When the chips are down, and if we must, I will support NATO’s decision to help Ukraine defend her people. They don’t deserve any of this, nor do the Russian people protesting Putin’s actions deserve to be seen as traitors by its own government. 

If you’re a furry who’s Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian, or you live in a country neighboring them, please take care of yourselves. Be safe in the coming days ahead, okay?

In the meantime, I stand with Ukraine and it’s people. I’ll stand with Ukraine even if it risks WWIII, even if it involves a total war, even if my younger brother is deployed to Europe, and even if our standard of living is affected. Vladimir Putin started this by asking for a war, and he will definitely get one from NATO.


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