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Happy New Year! Hard to believe it's already 2020, am I right? I hope to make this a year of many accomplishments, including new stories, new publications, new projects and much more! January will be no exception. ^_^

An excerpt of Maverick Hotel Part V will be posted tomorrow at 2:00 pm. And the full story will be available at the same time on Wednesday, January 15th.

Lastly, Pariah: Chapter 4 will be two weeks later on January 29th. I apologize, but graduating and life had me too busy to write lately until now. 

Other big projects this year: 

"James' Journal Entries" -- These are journal entries written during the course of my novel, The Adventures of Peter Gray. You'll be the first to know my character James Lawton's thoughts regarding events through the book, all from a human perspective in my Furren world. Read the public sample entry if you're interested.

"Burrowers" -- This working title may change in the future, but I hope to work on this eventually. This action-packed steampunk fantasy will have everything: Anthropomorphic animals, cool gadgets, mystery, romance and adventure. 

Completing and (hopefully) publishing "Pariah".

Completing and publishing the sequel to "The Adventures of Peter Gray".


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