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Hey guys. What do you think about a new tier for art critique and mentorship? Stuff like giving you feedback on your work, redlining stuff, point out things such as color, composition or any other that could be improved, personal art tips, look at your PSD files and help you with them, maybe tweak them.

Is not exactly like a personalized class, more like just helping you out with specific things. Classes are a bit harder to pull off.

Would you be interested in something like that? If so please comment below what you would find interesting in this type of content.


Sean V

Honestly, I'd be starting from the ground up. I've wanted to learn for so long.


I'd be more interested in the occasional random tutorial or showing off techniques that have helped you quicken your workflow. Even stuff like how you have your tablet, brushes, and hotkeys arranged would be cool to know. I think mini tutorials in multiple parts would be easier to manage? Post 'em whenever and talk about whatever you want. I do wonder how difficult mentoring like 5 people at a time would be. Say one person wants you to quickly redline something then an hour later they want more help with composition and color. Then times that by 5. ln addition, you'd probably have to ask them a bunch of questions just to understand what they're trying to convey. What if some of them want help with an entire page of a comic? You'd need to be VERY specific with your availability and with how much you can help a single person at a time. I think it would be really difficult to communicate that. Also, the cost should be fair for both parties but I never want you to feel undervalued since you're a veteran in the field. Having a tier in which people can keep coming back to you at any time could be really stressful or hard to justify financially.


You're so much right. It's a possibility I've been taking in count for quite a while since there's a couple of friends who I help with their stuff and they said is really useful so I thought it could be a nice benefit however as you say, when there's more than "just a couple" things can get a bit caotic. I'm still thinking a way to make something like that work. Tutorials is another option however sometimes I struggle trying to think about something that isn't already 100 times on youtube or you know, to share my personal input or useful piece of knowledge that hasn't been already covered many times by others. I think it's something I have to think more about and plan carefully, thanks a lot for the feedback, was really helpful :' )