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Rules are simple:

  • 🪐Be polite!.
  • 🪐Make your questions down in the comments.
  • 🪐 If you're going to do multiple questions, make sure they're related (it's a bit difficult to answer several unrelated questions in a single pic and also unfair to others who make a single one). Ex: "Hey Kat, Do  you like cookies? If so, which cookies are your favorites?".
  • 🪐 If you want to stay anonymous, send me the question via PM and I'll post it in the comments as an anon.
  • 🪐 Questions in Spanish are OK but please make sure to add the English translation so everyone can understand it.



From Elain Blackfish~ "Hey Kat do you like Hotwings, cause I made too many to eat by myself."


Hey Kat, has your high libido ever made you spontaneously orgasm? Have you ever orgasm'd in a regretful situation?