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She can get serious at times.

And with this one. I'll finish this month Q&A section. I hope you enjoyed it :') !

Also, guys. Recently I've been trying to pick a mix between upvoted questions and questions that catch my interest or from people who I haven't answered yet. This is because some of the most voted questions are often from the same people and there's nothing wrong at all with that but you know, I like to give others a chance c:

HD pic HERE:




I know this sounds corny, but I think Katrina is one of the OCs I've seen that actually have a personality of her own. These Q&A's really give me an look into her and her background. Also, it's alright to give more people a chance to get their questions answered, keep up the good work Michi. 👏🏾😎

Sashi Williams

Those of us who love your creations, and you for creating them.. we can love you without worry or restraint. Your life is your own and you've had problems and hardships that we can only imagine. As fans and those with big shoulders and soft ears to offer to lean on, and to listen.. All we can do is give you support when we think you need it, compassion for your heart when you're hurting.. and both respect and cherish you for how you are and what your own heart tells you is the right thing to do. Thank you dear lady.. for being who you are.. and more so.. for being so kind as to share a little of that special part of yourself with us.


Totally fine with giving chance to others and totally fine with that kind of answer. That one is also interesting! Thank you for another chance!