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she got to the big leagues of high budget p*rn movies :0




Damn! Now they're gonna milk it like the marvel series. Also this is my chance to be a villain in the 2nd porno.

Sashi Williams

Not trying to sound too conceited here, oh wonderful one.. but I have a fur that likes to fight crime Just "KINDA" like BB-Bird does... she's got some huge sweater puppies and among her other techniques... she likes to bodily "beat" up the criminals with her boobage.. (( FUNNY Thing tho... virtually none of the criminals she's stopped by using this maneuver have ever seemed willing to complain against it in a court of law, despite being heavily urged by Lawyers < especially the crooked ones> that it's " Vigilante unjustified brutality"... ... When asked about such.. the criminals just seem to get this gooey smile on their face and their eyes go glassy and they just don't seem to really care about pressing charges anymore.. ))


Suddenly I want to become an actor...


The climax of TITania vs the hung Snowcone.

Brandon Benson

She can be my hero any day