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Rules are simple:

  • 🪐Be polite!.
  • 🪐Make your questions down in the comments.
  • 🪐 If you're going to do multiple questions, make sure they're related (it's a bit difficult to answer several unrelated questions in a single pic and also unfair to others who make a single one). Ex: "Hey Kat, Do  you like cookies? If so, which cookies are your favorites?".
  • 🪐 If you want to stay anonymous, send me the question via PM and I'll post it in the comments as an anon.
  • 🪐 Questions in Spanish are OK but please make sure to add the English translation so everyone can understand it.

VIP Questions:

VIP questions are supposed to bypass the voting part by doing a donation. The minimum donation is 30$.

Please if you're interested in one of these poke me privately with your question before sending any money.

Rules about the VIP questions:

  • 🪐 Questions involving other OC's won't be allowed. Stuff like: "Would you have sex with my character? what do you think of my character? etc etc"...
  • 🪐 VIP questions are limited to 1 per person.
  • 🪐 Don't do drama if I don't answer your question. I may not be comfortable answering certain questions even if there's a donation involved.


Aaron Jones

Kat, how do you feel about shooting guns for fun


Hey kat, ever cum so hard and so much you leave a real big wet stain on the bed?

Thaelryn Vecna

Hey Kat, did you ever do nude modeling for art class in college? It pays good money from what I hear!


Hey Kat, with breasts as big as yours, have you ever struggled with back pain? (Please let me know if the question is not appropriate).


Hey Kat, have you ever been camping? And if so have you had issues finding backpacks that work with your proportions and don't cause too much compression on your chest?


Have you ever wondered what you'd look like as a guy?


Hey Kat, what kind of sportswear do you prefer ? Bloomer ? Legging ?


Do you enjoy giving or receiving either neck lick or face lick?

Brandon Benson

Hey Kat what is the best present an guy has given you?

Joseph Turner

Hi Kat, if you have ever gone outside nude, do you enjoy giving people a show and see their reactions?

irritable bear

One of my friends taught me this really romantic phrase, "Chinga Tu Madre" and it means you're the Rose of your Mother. I think that's just beautiful, what're your thoughts?


Hey Kat! In your biography, and in few previous Q&A's, you said, that you always had better relations with your dad. He supported you in a crisis when you had problems in high school, he supported you when you started your studies and independent life. How did he react to the porn career path you finally chose?


Hey Kat, if you were to be stuck in one place for 24-48 hours, Where would you choose?


Hey Kat, were you ever offered a job that turned out to be something you didn't like, that you immediately ran out the building without hesitation?


Hey Kat, what's the weirdest, wildest, most fun experience you've dreamed about?


Kat, who are your three best friends, with or without benefits?


Hey Kat, what is your favorite dance move?


Anon says: Hello Kat. In terms of "mythical" creatures (Eg: Hydras, Minotaurs, Slimes). Is there any that you are a particular fan of? Or perhaps one that you had fantasies of?


Anon says: Hi Kat! It's evident that your breasts attract a lot of attention but to me your areolas take the cake, the size, shape, color, they are very unique. At some point in your life, did you feel self-conscious about them? Does having such unique areolas cause you any problem in your daily life?.


Hey Kat, You remind me of the Babe.