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FINALLY! After so long the whole thing arrived and I have mixed feelings. Let me get into more details.

Well, first and foremost, the decks feel premium, really well made, the size, box, print quality, card quality, UV coating, the insert where the cards come inside the box. All that part is nuts.

However, despite the premium quality, having the physical copy or lets call it the prototype in my hands I can see some minor design issues here and there, parts that can be improved to boost even more the current product quality, and that's what I'm focusing right now, cuz you all deserve the best :D

The bad part came on the premium components of the set, more specific the acrylic standees and the foil cards.

The acrylic standees look cool at first glance but they have some issues that doesn't meet my expectations. It's hard to notice due acrylic transparency and pictures but, there's a really heavy offset between the cut and the print, then despite taking measures and trying to go as fine as possible the pieces don't fit together perfectly as intended (this is a tolerance issue and most of the time is a trial and error thing) and if you can see on the last pic, the breast area of the print has a smudge and the forehead area of the character has a scaling issue and this is a major issue for me, this is not the premium quality I want to deliver.

FORTUNATELY! I have a plan B, and I'm already in contact with another company that will be in charge of the standees for those interested in that part, these of course meet the premium quality I'm looking for. The bad part is that they're sold separately.

Now with the foil cards, the foil was just ... not good, the quality didn't felt right, the effect is too intense and it's very very fragile. I decided to scrap this component since it is difficult to pull off with my current options.

TL;DR: The decks came pretty great, quality is really good. There are a few things to tweak but overall they're really really solid. The standees and foil cards had quality issues, the standees will be produced with another company that met the desired quality and the foil cards unfortunately will be scrapped.

That's pretty much it, I hope to release and publish the final and definitive polished version on friday c: !

Sorry for the long post and the whacky english but I feel more comfortable discussing this here in a more closed community. Cheers!




Oh yeah, the first pics are to compare my past card project with this one, so you can see the jump on quality :D

Sashi Williams

WOW you weren't kidding as far as the foil being off color and such.. those really look second or worser quality. Speaking as a collector of comics, cards and other stuff for well over a quarter of a century (( my father was big into collecting coins and hot rod cars and such.. he passed that desire and drive to have for the future, to me... )) I have to agree that of what you've shown as teases so far, by comparison, it is indeed "off" more then a little bit. This is most certainly something that when complete to your satisfaction, I'll happily purchase 2 of each.. one to show and entertain friends.. and the other to keep in pristine condition for the sake of enjoying it with future generations of furries..


Very cool! I'm excited for the release of the deck and standees.


With natural light, the foil looks decent but as soon as another light source hit the surface it looks exactly as that picture, a mess. Plus it chips off and yeah, not good at all :( The foil feature is a relatively new addition to thegamecrafter so that maybe the reason why it's still off, they have to improve that. Thanks a lot for the support, I'm seriously trying my best to give you all the best quality possible in design, illustration and product :') that's my goal rn haha


Thanks! The standess will probably come later in the next month, but expect the decks soon :D


I definitely see what you mean with the foils, cards look great though!

Black Marvel

I want everything you got x3. I bought three sets of the first card decks you made and I definitely want this one too.