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Phew... the last one of the year! haha

Rules are simple:

  • 🪐 Be polite, rude questions won't be answered and rude comments towards other people questions will get you kicked.
  • 🪐Make your questions down in the comments.
  • 🪐 Don't do drama if I don't answer your specific question.
  • 🪐 If you're going to do multiple questions, make sure they're related, otherwise I'll just ignore them (it's a bit difficult to answer several unrelated questions in a single pic and also unfair to others who make a single one). Ex: "Hey Kat, Do  you like cookies? If so, which cookies are your favorites?".
    🪐 If you want to stay anonymous, send me the question via PM and I'll post it in the comments as an anon.

VIP Questions:

VIP questions are supposed to bypass the voting part by doing a donation. The minimum donation is 30$.

Please if you're interested in one of these poke me privately with your question before sending any money.

Rules about the VIP questions:

  • 🪐 Questions involving other OC's won't be allowed. Stuff like: "Would you have sex with my character? what do you think of my character? would you do "x" thing with my character?, etc".
  • 🪐 VIP questions are limited to 1 per person.
  • 🪐 Don't do drama if I don't answer your question. I may not be comfortable answering certain questions even if there's a donation involved.
  • 🪐 Don't send any money before poking me first, please!


Aaron Jones

I know you have a dick you use once in awhile for show but do you ever use it on other people


Kat, have you ever caught feelings for someone after shooting porn with them?


Kat, thoughts on somnophila? Y’know, sleep sex?

DraconeKaiju Covenant

Hey Kat, happy holidays. Have you ever invited your neighbors over to your place? Or vice versa? How was that?


Hey Kat, have you ever done a cumwalk? Like, a dude cums on your tits and then you walk around showing it off or trying to see if anyone notices?

Heyitstrash !

Miss Kat, what's the best gift you ever gotten? Or the worst, your choice!


Kat, have you ever experimented with musk or scent play?


Anon: Kat, what are your thoughts on NTR / cuckoldry ? Do you like it?

Filippe Saber Noctis XV

Kat, what are your thoughts about sleeping naked and how comfortable it is?


Kat, did your mom or Lu tell you their sexual adventures? If not, how about kinks?