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Wasn't exactly a very sexy story tho.

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Poor Terry XD


She should try a plumber, or something, instead. They're already staying. ;3


What if the plumber is gay too? That wouldn't work, will be more awkward hahaha


Poor Kat XD. Atleast she can look back and laugh at it


Ah, but if she had a handyman in her house for an hour or two, she could go about things a little differently. She could wear something revealing and relax, let a nipple slip out, maybe casually, "accidentally" show off her pussy. If he stares and gets a bulge in his pants, she'd know he's likely interested, and then she could make her move. If he doesn't, then she's just lounging -very- casually while he works. ;3


Ah, i realize why its her favorite :y The fact that its not like porn logic and the risks are real , it makes it more exciting for her, hehe

Fen Longpaw

I think the point being made dear is not everyone is attracted to the same parts sweetie


And I think you missed the point of my comment. With the pizza delivery guy, Kat had no way of knowing he was gay. But, with a handyman, and casual exhibitionism, Kat would be able to tell if he is "attracted to her parts" before making a fool of herself, thus avoiding making a fool of herself.

Holo Wolf

Not time to (literally) screw around whe you have bills to pay (and Bill at home).

irritable bear

Give me the name of the pizza place. I need to request that Terry deliver my dinner.