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Hey hey guys! arts has been a lil bit slow recently. I'm still working on a few comms to adjust this month's budget BUT I got pretty cool news c:

I'll be doing a small comic in collaboration with an amazing artist and friend, Dongitos . We're still discussing the details and planning, the script is done but I won't spoil many details about it. We want to keep it as a surprise and we're still discussing how we're going to present the pages, if page by page or finish it and share it when it's done. We'll see :)

About the deck card project I still don't feel ready to tackle it, I feel like I need to plan it a lil bit more, I'm even considering some other subjects aside of the one you all voted for in the past poll, I want to make an interesting set of cards as I did with the past one, so that project is still in the oven haha

Anyways that's it for the moment, thanks a lot for your patience and your support. Please be sure to check Dongitos twitter page and give them a follow :D

Cheers! ♥


Holo Wolf

That sounds great. Really looking forward to it!