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i know you guys picked Loona but im feeling kinda tempted ....




Do what you want I say. In the end, we still get a good picture from ya. :3

Dandy Cupcake

Do it, lewd her already- if people wanna lewd the wolf- THEY ALL GET LEWDED!

Fen Longpaw

I say go for it. I'm over saturated with Loona myself anyway


Go for it 👍

Aaron Jones

Both are good choices


Maybe bimbo her up? Make that outfit strained from too much bust?


Any art from you is good in my book, so go for it if you want!

Silver Twirl

Yeah I just love your art


DO IT!! 😛🥰

Holo Wolf

Do iiit! (if you want to 😉)


That sounds like a great idea :)

Sashi Williams

all I want to enjoy is some of your GREAT BIG HUGE GAZONGA type, THICK NIPPLED "Shirt suffers"... ( with the shirt being way WAY too small to contain the goodies.. <*... shameless grin..* > Beyond that.. HAVE FUN WITH IT hon... please!


Both? Both. Both is good.


I always see voting as a push or suggestion so I never look at the results of a round and think it's the only option so I'm just happy that you picked something.

Hokuto Ulrik

Why not just do them all? Like in order of the votes?