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Hey hey guys, I hope you all are doing well.  (Long text incoming)

We're almost in the final month of 2020, it has been a rough year for everyone and there are a few things that I'm changing for 2021 but by now, the most important one will be that I'll no longer give all my content each month as I've been doing for years in those megapacks that you get every month.

What does this means? 

New patrons don't worry, next month (December 2020) you all will have the last pack with all my content including 2020 pack but after that I'll no longer send the whole megapack pdf as I always do, instead on 2021 you'll get a monthly mini-pack with all the pics made in that month. Let's say you pledge for january 2021 then you get the minipack of all the pics and content made on december 2020.

This doesn't mean you can't access old content, of course you can, just using the tools that patreon provides you, it just means that I'll no longer be doing these convenient packs.

And of course if some project comes in the way you'll get it too, I mean let's say a comic, written story, animations, etc ... you know me, sometimes I do random stuff haha

Why Am I doing this? 

Well, I've been giving all my content, effort and work for just 5 bucks through all these years almost since I started patreon around 2017, I did it honestly because this site was (and still is) my tipjar but in the end I feel like I shoot myself in the foot doing that. I just make easier for people to steal, monetize, leak and share my hard work and also at the same time I just gave reasons to people to just pledge once, grab all the goodies and leave which don't get me wrong, it's totally ok and I'm glad they did it cuz in the end is support but years and years and years of content just for 5 bucks hmmm i think there's something wrong there haha.

In the end if you have been my patron in the past years this has zero effects on you (as long as you keep that precious pdf with all the links haha). Is more for the new patrons to come and new people to join on 2021.

There are a couple of changes I want to talk about but I'll do it next month.

Anyways that's pretty much it, thanks for reading and sorry for my odd english x.x


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