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Do you guys think the animations on the ABC fit? I mean the whole idea was to make something consistent but now I think about it; it wouldn't be too consistent to have static pics and animations mixed together, even if they're a few.

This is just a late night thought, what do you guys think? Should I re-do all those letters and exclude the animations? Leave them as something separated or keep things like that?

I'm pretty sure I'm re-doing letters "D" and "R" because I'm not comfortable how they look, they have many flaws.



Honestly, it’s entirely up to you. I love the works you do, so the “D” and “R” is already perfect. I understand that sense of doubt when it comes to art, and if you feel that redoing the aforementioned letters is better, then go for it. Do what you feel is right and you get to sleep a lot better.

Special K

I'm honestly very happy with the outcome and the animations are like Easter eggs in the files, as for ones you feel are lower quality thats your choice as I'm fairly sure everyone is pleased.


I dig the animations the most


I'd say keep the mix of both honestly.


whatevs. just keep the lewds coming :3

Patrick Miller

The mix made sense as certain actions are hard to really illustrate in a single image. However, you have shown your ability to adapt and rise to the occasion. I trust in your decision.


Guess I'm trying to be too perfectionist or just overthinking haha. Thank you for the feedback, guys :D

