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I just noticed a lot of new patrons came up recently. Just want to say thank you so much :'D !! I really appreaciate all the support!

Also I want to use this oportunity to ask you all of you what you think about the content? Feedback is always welcome!

What do you think about the recent pin-ups? Would you want to see more sexy pin-ups in the future or do you prefer more XXX / porn content such as the ABC?. Would you want to see animated stuff more regulary (even if it comes out in a slower peace)? Maybe bring back the Q & A sessions with Kat every month and answer a few questions using doodles?

Since the ABC is close to it's end (gues they're just like 6 letters left) I gotta think about a nice future project or something cool to keep things fresh and interesting. I just want to have fun with my art and do something we all like and enjoy :D



Love the content. Kat brought me here but I'm very impressed with your other content. I think I prefer the xxx stuff over pin ups. Was really impressed with the Kat back story, more of that or young Kat would be great. Keep it up!

Patrick Miller

You draw Big titty Kitty, that's all I need ☺️


Cheers! Actually i was thinking about another written story for the future, i already have a couple of ideas :D


I really enjoy the content, and i always enjoy a good balance of Pin Up and XXX, would never turn down another story though.

Aaron Jones

I enjoy a of the work you make even the the sfw and nsfw pin ups that I like to use for my phone wallpapers but I would like to see maybe like a 3 to 5 min video even if its a 1 min vid


I'd say the balance is good. I'd certainly like more series/story content! Maybe also more regular guests and partners for Kat to play with?


Another artist I am familiar with did something with their main character regarding all the different ways they liked to get off, describing from a first person perspective. Would love to see Katrina doing this.


I will answer as usual: we love and we will love everything you do now and do in the future. Will they be pin-ups or cool porn. Create at your own pace, we will support you. Of course, it's nice to see more pin-ups from time to time for example, than porn and vice versa. Both categories are brilliant and we have hunger for both xD Of course, we want to see more animations from you! I am full of admiration as you get better and better in the field of 2D animation with each subsequent animation! Great chapeau bas. Oh, the idea of ​back ​Q&A with Katrina at a monthly pace is GREAT! Personally, I was waiting for this form to return. It is true that I got answers to several questions thanks to "Katrina under the covers", but I still have a few questions that I would like to ask our lovely, busty fav kitten! :3 And the future project after ABC with Katrina sounds very promising. Surprise us :D Hmmm ... personally? I think it would be nice to see Kat from time to time interacting with Mishra, Misha, Kandice and Milo. NOT ALWAYS erotic, but you know us XD And hey, the rest of the gang will also be appreciated solo and in interactions with each other, not only with Katrina! To sum up: don't stop creating freakin' awesomeness! :D


big milky kitty titty :3


Oof even a 1min animation will be a super hard work for me but a long animation can be done once i get more practice :)


Cheers! Thank you so much for the positive feedback! I do like the idea of drawing more of my other characters with her to be honest. And I've been thinking about a comic too, maybe a long comic focused on her or some part of her life. I've been enjoy a lot drawing her in more chill situations, I like her in porn of course haha but having SFW pics of her also gives more information about her personality and stuff.


You're very welcome mate! Happy to be able to give what support I can! In terms of content I'd like to see? Honestly what ever you make is always a joy to see so you keeping on making content you enjoy is great. Personally it'd would be cool to see more OC interaction stuff as that is always fun! (specially between cute girls hehehe.) But yeah just keep up the great work and that cute milky kitty tiddy!!!


Well, it's like this. I, along with others, am a fan of the big kitty titty. I like your artstyle and I like how your pieces pretty much all depict people having fun. And then I kept on liking the ABC pieces, and everything else I saw, you mentioned your patreon and I saw the benefits/cost and decided I was very much down to support you. I'd love to see more XXX stuff, and more shenanigans, and I join my voice with others when I say: Moar big kitty titty. Big milky kitty titties.