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There you go, first pic of the series. I don't know why her expression on the second panel looks so messed up xD like akward, scared haha anyways I hope you guys like it.

Separated pics (HD) here: https://mega.nz/#F!JkRTgA6C!FaPCiYEI1gPJudGc2jAqHw

I'll put the next sugestion post tomorrow c:

Edit: I'll not upload the PSD for this pic since is a lil bit meh ... nothing interesting plus a lil bit messy BUT if you're really interested into the source file for this one let me know and I'll upload it as well :)




Haaaah this made me laugh harder than I should

Aaron Jones

I cant believe that my idea got picked I love it even thou I pichered more action in my head but I laughed so I love it even more thanks llMiXll for have katie serve are country and I proudly salute you


Haha I'm glad you liked her, honestly I had no idea what to draw so I did something silly xD}