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Hey guys, just a reminder that patreon message system and the recent chat feature are crap x.x

Chat never notifies me when there's new messages and individual messages sometimes mark "unread" when there's none new messages or simply doesn't notify me about new messages. Specially when I send you all the content pack, tends to burry everything down the content pack messages.

If you messaged me and I didn't answer was probably because patreon shenanigans. If you're already on my discord server I do recommend you to poke me through there and if you're not let me know and I'll send you the invitation link


Fen Longpaw

Most of the time when I try to open the chat feature on mobile even when I get a notification, the list of chats just loads up empty, and I have to refresh my feed before trying to open the chat tab again, repeatedly, before I can get it to work