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The room was filled with the whirring of dozens of little brushes, gently dancing over the skin of their victim. Attached to the machine’s agile arms, they could reach every part of the body fastened to the table. Like miniature feather dusters, they swirled and stroked up and down the body, paid special attention to the armpits and dug deeply into the sensitive sides of the belly below the ribs. They were fast, adjusting their position every split second to find a spot even more sensitive than the one before, eagerly causing the most excruciating tickle torture. The bondage holding the unlucky patient was simple, yet absolute. Arms and wrists were tightly held by padded cuffs connected to mechanical arms fastened to the top and bottom of the table, stretching out the poor prisoner and making any movement impossible. The toes were individually fastened to a holder protruding from the ankle cuffs, forcing the feet to present their soft sole and rendering them completely immobile. Without any resistance, the devilish brushes patiently traced every crease and wrinkle of the delicate flesh.  Aside from two leather belts additionally pulling the thighs apart, every inch of the body was accessible for treatment. To sum it up, the automated tickling machine worked flawlessly and exactly the way Kimber had envisioned when she had it custom made from her own design. Its merciless AI would never give in to the patients frantic muffled screams, it would never tire, and it possessed the world’s collected knowledge of human anatomy. The only downside Kimber could think of at this moment was that, sadly, the presumed delinquent the machine had its first test run on was herself.

Charlotte leaned back in her chair and typed a few more words into the control panel’s search engine. Instantly, the program came up with plenty ideas. “Oh wow!”, she shouted over to Linda, “This thing is fully modular! You can equip the arms with different tools, like clamps, electric tasers, syringes… pretty much everything you’d like, and the AI automatically applies the fitting treatment. So much more to try out!” Linda laughed. “I think we have not fully tested the tickling program to its limits yet. But I’m sure she will reach her limits long before the machine does!” She bent over the table where she met the pleading eyes of their test subject, staring out of the mask covering its head. “Can you believe we’ve put you through this ordeal for only ten minutes now?”, she asked. Her reply was a barely noticeable cry from under the thick gag and a slight increase of the patient’s spasms. Softly humming, the arms holding her limbs pulled a little tighter, causing her sweating body to lay absolutely motionless again. The only visible movements now were the muscles contracting under her skin as she desperately tried to struggle away from her horrible torment. Her nurses had also decided to not fasten her head to the table so she could inspect the wonders of technology herself. She seemed rather unpleased, though.

“Gosh, you have so much more to look forward to!”, Linda continued, “Imagine, if tickling is this nice, what will it feel like when the machine starts penetrating those vulnerable holes of yours? When the teasing starts and never stops? Oh, Miss Fox, I promise you will just love it! We’ve scheduled a three-hour session for today and we’ve prepared some tubes of ammonia salts should you pass out, so you won’t miss a second! I think later today, we’ll try going for five more hours and tomorrow maybe eight? I dunno, but we’re gonna make it an unforgettable experience in celebration of your good-bye. After all, you’ll get released the day after!” Linda looked back to Charlotte behind the controls and, unseen by the helpless woman beneath her, the two nurses shared a knowing smile. The machine’s arms were meanwhile taking care of Kimber’s breasts, trapping her painfully erect nipples between two of the whirling brushes, relentlessly driving her out of her mind. Oh god, she thought, how could this have happened? She did not know how she would make it through the rest of the weekend. But she swore to herself she would have revenge on whoever was responsible for her predicament. As soon as she got out of here, on Monday.



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