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Disclaimer: The fictional characters portrayed in this story are not my own and are used for satirical purposes only. Batman was created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, Superman was created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, Harley Quinn was created by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm and the Arkham Asylum was developed by Dennis O'Neil with art by Irv Novick. All rights to these characters and places belong to DC Comics.

When the news of a riot inside Arkham Asylum arrived in Metropolis, Clark Kent was one of the first reporters at Daily Planet to get the details: Apparently, some inmates had escaped the high security ward and subsequently taken out all the guards and freed their friends. At least as far as the police knew Batman had yet to show up at the scene. Gotham usually wasn’t Clarks territory, as Bruce was very clear about who was the city’s savior. But hours later, there were still no signs of the Dark Knight and he started worrying whether the police could get the situation under control any harmful prisoners escaped into the city. So eventually, Clark excused himself, got up on the rooftop of the building and in a heartbeat the timid reporter had changed into his true self, Superman. With the fastest speed earth’s atmosphere allowed him, he flew over to the Asylum to see for himself what was going on.

He impacted in the facility’s courtyard and immediately scanned his surroundings, his superhuman vision reaching even through the thickest walls. He saw some guards tied up and struggling, some persons seemingly cheering and celebrating. And deep under the surface level, he found a room blocking his sight. Lead, he thought. In a split second, he was down there and melted the heavy door preventing access with hot laser beams out of his eyes. He hovered over the molten metal inside the room. There was only one person, sitting on a chair, waiting for him: Harley Quinn. Superman knew about her, from the news and from much more detailed dossiers Bruce had once sent to him. She was the ex-girlfriend of the Joker and almost as psychopathic as her lover. She smiled when the caped hero landed in front of her.

“So”, he said calmly, “What is this about? One would think at some point, you super criminals would have learned your lesson.” Quinn got out of the chair and slowly approached him. She was wearing one of her usual, over the top attires and for a moment, Superman wondered where she had gotten those clothes from since she had been arrested for a while on only got out mere hours ago. “Aww, Supey!” she cooed, “You’re almost as boring as Bats! When will you finally learn it’s not about the outcome, but about the fun you have along the way!” Superman allowed her to get a little closer. He had nothing to fear of a deranged mortal without any superpowers. “So… will you let me play a little longer?” He smiled. She was charming in her own way, he had to give her that. “Can’t do that, Harley. I don’t want to hurt anyone here. But I will if I must. Call your gang back. Tell all of them to retreat to the cell blocks and allow the police to enter Arkham Island. It’s not too late to get out of this.” Harley made an exaggerated sad face. “Ugh. Boring, as I said. Kay, I guess fun’s over… for now at least! But do you allow me to steal one little kiss away from you? I always wanted to kiss a real man and Mr. Jay always bites…” He wanted to say no, or even shake his head. Strangely, he could not. Harley gently put her soft lips on his and the moment they touched, he felt a tingly feeling run from his mouth through his whole body, paralyzing him. Suddenly, Superman felt as if all life had been sucked out of him. Flying as fast as a jet one second, he couldn’t even stand in the next. Harley’s smeared lipstick revealed another layer beneath it, a green shimmer. The insane smirk on her face before he fell to his knees proved him right: Kryptonite!

When Superman awoke, he was in another room with an intact, heavy door. He felt he was still deep inside the Asylum. His arms were painfully tied behind his back, connected to a bar forcing his legs spread apart. He had leaned on the wall behind him and found a steel collar was almost strangling him. He got up as best as he could and mobilized all his strength. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not even loosen his restraints. He felt weak and helpless. Then he noticed he was all naked, stripped of his suit. Since he felt so powerless and did not seem to regain his strength, he figured the kryptonite to still be very close to him… then he looked down on his body. He saw it shining in an eerie green, right between his legs. It was a ring crafted from the material, tightly closed around his testicles! What was even more shameful was his giant, uncontrollable erection. It seemed like the kryptonite-induced weakness was affecting the control over his lower needs as well.

The door opened and Harley walked in, followed by a young, bare-breasted beauty in skimpy clothes. The bare sight of these two women sent a shiver down Superman’s spine and made his penis throb, despite his desperate attempt to suppress his urges. “My my!”, Harley laughed, “Look who’s happy to see us! Have I promised to much, Becky?” The other girl just silently shook her head, walked straight over to the helpless Superman and got down on her knees. To his shock, she instantly started massaging his exposed testicles, simultaneously licking the head of his penis. It felt wonderful. He could not help closing his eyes and when Becky closed her lips around his pulsating manhood, he moaned and gasped in extasy. Why was this so intense? “Hah, the girl’s wasting no time! That’s what I call work ethic, you know? Becky is amongst the best in her profession, by which I mean she’s sucking cock for money. No offense. Anyway, here we are, conducting our little experiment. You might wonder why all of this is so well prepared. Well, because I actually got out of my cell three months ago! Since that time, I’ve replaced the staff here with my loyal inmates, one nurse at a time. This place is so horribly run down, no one even noticed. The guards frequently get replaced anyway. After a while, all the nurses were nicely locked up in straightjackets, screaming their lungs out in padded cells where no one could hear them, unable to warn anyone. All while a bunch of psycho bitches made them their patients!”

Superman could barely concentrate. He felt his balls contracting as Becky sucked his dick like a lollipop, the sensation starting to overwhelm him. The muscles inside his shaft began their rhythmic twitching. He gasped for air in anticipation of a truly otherworldly climax. But nothing like that happened. All the desperate spasms of his cock could produce was a clear stream of precum and instead of the wonderful feeling of relief, the sensation slightly subsided and left a terrible, numb pressure inside his balls. He groaned into his gag. “Oh, what’s wrong with you?”, Harley cheered, “First time you got blue balled? Well, didn’t I mention I found this marvelous ring of kryptonite alongside some research papers about its effect on your, uhm, species? It’s a theoretical study, of course, since there were obviously no test subjects. Anyway, LexCorp financed it and they spared no expense. So basically, you’re as weak as an average Joe now. The dose down there on your soon to be super swollen nuts won’t kill or harm you in any other way… and some of your abilities are still unaffected, like… sexual stamina, as you will find. But in that paper, it was argued that amongst its weakening effect, the exact right dosage would also inhibit your ability to get any satisfactory sensation… Or, put in my words: You can’t cum!”

“Okay, Superboy, I’ll leave the two of you alone. But only for an hour! After all, I got twenty other former sex workers and crazy nymphos from the sexual deviations ward waiting to get their hands on you – and probably their mouths, titties and asses, too! I mean, when do you get another chance for a little fun with Superman, right? I promised every single one of them a little fortune as reward if they could make you cum, by the way. Well, the two of us know you can’t cum. But they don’t. Oh Supes, they will really, really try to get you to explode… explode like you home planet, so to say. They’ll milk that hard rod of yours all while your so freaking close to blowing your load, but all you’ll ever have is this increasing feeling of frustration. I believe it would make an average man go insane. But you’re not average. You won’t go insane, you’ll never pass out, you don’t have to sleep. This will be an actual inescapable tease and denial hell for you! Well, enjoy it while I check out on the other patients!”

And with that, the crazed clown queen danced happily out of the room, closing the door after her. Becky gave Clarks swollen balls a squeeze. “Finally!”, she said, “I thought she’d never stop talking. Now I’ll take good care of you! Wow, the cock of a true superhero all for myself… Do you think I can get it down my throat?”



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