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So, this is what the High-Security Inmates have voted for! I feel obliged to put this DISCLAIMER up: the characters and places mentioned in the text below are the original creation of author George R.R. Martin and have been taken from his 'The Song of Ice and Fire'-Saga. The TV show 'Game of Thrones' based on it was produced and broadcast by HBO and created by Dan Weiss and David Benioff. I do not own any rights to any of it and both the picture above and the text below this disclaimer are meant for satirical purposes only. With that out of the way, I hope you like it!


The King was crazy with terror when the guard came and opened the door to his cell. The dark-skinned man didn’t care about Joffrey’s frantic struggling, a fragile pale figure bound to a golden frame. Even if the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms hadn’t been gagged, rendering him to produce only unintelligible noises, the Braavosi had never learned the tongue of Westeros. He did not hesitate to grab the King’s cage and started carrying it through the corridors of the black cells, deep down in the forgotten corners of the Red Keep. This was where Joffrey had awoken after the lights had faded to black on the day of his wedding. He had spent days down here in the dark, chained and alone, whimpering and not understanding what had happened.

The room he was brought to had only a small window in it and was otherwise lit by candles. It appeared to be a small version of the big throne room in which Joffrey used to reside… only the throne itself had changed from the horrifying monstrosity of molten swords to a more glamorous one. On it sat a woman Joffrey could not recognize in the twilight, his eyes still adjusting from the darkness of the dungeon. He was placed at the foot of the throne and the guard receded to the background. Joffrey struggled, slowly raising his head to see who looked down on him – and once again froze in shock. Sansa! Sansa Stark, his former fiancé and victim of his numerous sadistic outbursts, sat above him and smiled at the fallen King. “Greetings, your grace”, she said in her soft, quiet voice. Instantly, the shock was washed away by rage! That deceitful little cunt must have played him a joke or something, he thought. Angrily pulling on the chains, he shouted at her through his ring gag, and though hardly understandable, Sansa could hear the words ‘This will cost you your head, traitor-whore!’ through his mumbling.

“It warms my heart to see you so full of energy again, your grace!”, she replied. “After you have been sleeping for so long. I was worried about your life, my king. I almost feared the wine was too strong for you…” What was she talking about? Joffrey struggled wildly again, until he suddenly felt a stinging pain in his back, like someone was pushing a boot with a very high heel down on him. “I told you he wouldn’t even listen”, he heard a voice say from behind. It was Sansa’s sister Arya, who had been missing ever since Joffrey had their father executed. “Also, I mentioned how easy it would be for me to get rid of him for good. Honestly, I know more ways to kill someone than –“

“I know, Arya”, interrupted Sansa, “And if that was my plan, you would have been the first one I attended to. But no, the king deserves so much more for all he has done. Ironically, it was his mother who taught me the art of revenge. Slow, never-ending revenge…” She coldly stared at the young man who, dirty and exhausted, could not stand her face any longer and looked down to the floor. The terror was creeping back into his mind. “But let me explain, your grace. The poisoned wine you drank at your wedding did not kill you, but made everyone think you perished, even your mother and grandfather. Oh, speaking of them, they have very actually and permanently perished themselves. Of that, Arya made sure!” Joffrey screamed, loud and in pain. This could not be true! “Yes, the Realms of Men have undergone plenty changes! We planned all of this long ago, the Starks and the Tyrells, to not only get your family out of the way – but to keep you perfectly alive and secure in our caring hands. I am afraid, now there’s no one left to help you, your grace.”

Joffrey stared at Sansa’s face, looking for any sign of her making a joke, but only found a satisfied smile. Then he felt Arya placing something on his head. “I almost forgot: your crown, my grace!”, she said, laughing at him. “Since you never really died, you’re technically still the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and we would never strip you of that. Well, but of pretty much everything else!” She put her long leather boot on his back again. “Now greet your queen!” Sansa moved her boot in front of his face and lowered it so the sole was pointing towards Joffrey. Still unsure what to think and feel but utter panic, he hesitated. “There are many ordeals waiting for you down in the cells”, Sansa said, “Some of which your grace himself have ordered to be made. It is upon me to decide in which torture you will spend your nights, so…” Frightened to the core of his heart, the king looked up at her, then at the boot displayed in front of him. Further pushed by Arya, he slowly put his tongue out as far as he could and licked along the sole. As he swallowed the disgustingly tasting dirt and put his tongue out for another lick, he could hear the Braavosi chuckle somewhere in the corner of the room. His face turned red with humiliation. “See, your grace? You are a wise king after all!”



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