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After Akira and Saya had prepared the wheelchair for its newest passenger, they got close to the helpless man chained to the bed. As thoughts went through his head, Brian slowly realized all of this must have been part of something bigger. He had no idea what they had planned for him, but in hindsight he felt like he had been fooled. Was it his money they wanted? And, who exactly were they? He screamed in his gag once more, frantically pulling on the chains that would not give in and turned his head in search for Kimber. She was apparently collecting her things from his apartment including the contract and some other documents.

“We have a struggler here”, Saya said as Brian desperately tried to get Kimber’s attention, going crazy in his bounds. “That's what I hoped for! Some guys actually just come with us if we ask nicely, but to be honest, it’s only half as fun if they don’t put on a fight. Usually, we would call for some assistance in such cases, but we’re a bit late already, so we just gonna take you out for a while. Kira, you got the bag ready?” Akira was approaching on his right side, holding a grey piece of cloth emitting a peculiar scent. “Sure!”, she answered, “Just a few minutes with that on an you’ll be sleeping. We can’t risk you hurting yourself now, can we?” While his panic was growing with every word they said, Brian could only watch as Kimber walked past him, completely ignoring his silent pleas.

She had never been keen on wasting too much time with a client once the paperwork was done. The Bondage Asylum paid her by client - meaning the more clueless rich fools she could convince to sign over all their belongings and fully commit themselves, the fatter her paycheck would become at the end of the month. In Brian DeAngelo's case, there was even a bonus involved, for he was an exceptionally big fish. Well, she thought, not anymore! She smiled, satisfied with over a year's worth of persuasion and seduction that had finally come to a successful end. When she left the expensive loft that would soon belong to someone else, she was already plotting the next coup: she had heard of a wealthy politician looking forward to spicing up his retirement a bit...



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