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It feels like it's been a while since I wrote anything.

From Monday, when We opened the Crawling Lab, We've been so busy that We haven't been able to pay attention to other things.

After much internal testing, we decided it was fun and released the game.

However, the game was not well received due to our lack of skills, and we worked very hard to improve it.

It was a enforcement where we could only sleep 3 to 4 hours a day,

Still, we were encouraged a lot of strength by coming to Patreon regularly and seeing your comments supporting us.

We always accept any criticism head-on with the mindset that the user is always right.

But, we are also humans, so when things get too difficult, I think we recover mentally here, where there are many people who support us.

We always read all your comments.

We know that what you support is not us, but our passion and attitude toward the game.

We will always maintain our original intention and humility and continue to work hard.

Thanks for always playing and supported us

And we're working hard this week too, so stop by often. 🤭



Bob Fassa

Fantastic, great, amazing work with Crawling lab! Just completed the Crawling Queen difficulty today. It was an all around great experience that i'm sure you guys can learn a lot from and be pleased with the result. That said, I will be eagerly waiting further development on Crawling lab, and any other game you guys may come up with. Oh, and a manner of Size/Giantess content with Crawling lab, I think its doable, there is potential what with the giant dolls already acting as decorations already!

-Ch Sbreeze.999

다음에는 내부적으로 반응이 좋았던 난이도/밸런스는 하드모드 기준으로 잡고, 노멀 자체를 튜토리얼과 적응기간을 위한 플레이로 설계하는게 좋을지도 모르겠다는 생각이 들었어요. 내부 테스트는 수십 수백번 플레이를 통해서 숙달이 되어 조금 더 어려워야 재밌을 거 같은데... 라는 개념이 쉽게 잡히지만 아무래도 구매하시는 분들은 이 게임을 처음 플레이 할 테니까요. 그런 부분에 대한 고려도 필요하지 않나 생각 해 봤어요.

-Ch Sbreeze.999

어쨋거나 이 부분은 제 개인적인 생각이고, 벌써 여러번의 작품 출시로 노하우가 쌓이셨을거라 생각하고 있어요. 언젠가 그런 것들이 만개하면 어떤 게임이 만들어질지 기대하고 있어요.


Many of you seem to be asking for Giantess Content, so we're thinking about how to make it happen. Thank you for your continued interest.