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We're building and testing different maps to determine the right size and structure for our game.

The basic idea is to start with a small map in the beginning and gradually increase the size of the map.

게임 진행에 적합한 맵의 크기와 구조를 정하기 위해 다양한 맵을 제작하여 테스트하는 중입니다.

초반에는 작은 맵에서 시작해서 점점 맵이 커지는 것을 기본으로 생각하고 있어요.



-Ch Sbreeze.999

구조도 나름 복잡해지네요!


Thank you for your hard work. The map and enemy placement are randomly composed, so it seems technically complicated, but it's also manageable. I'm looking forward to it as it gets closer and closer to completion.