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We thought it would be nice to have a Rocket Launcher in the Crawling Lab, so we implemented it, but the result didn't feel good enough.

We tried a few modifications, but we didn't get the results we wanted, so we put it on hold.

크롤링 랩 - 로켓런처 개발 보류

크롤링 랩에 로켓런처만 있으면 좋겠다고 생각이 되어서 구현을 해봤습니다만 결과물의 느낌이 충분히 좋지 않군요.

몇 가지 수정을 해봤지만 원하는 결과물이 나오지 않아 일단 보류했습니다.




Thank you for your hard work. If it's a work where a large creature appears, a rocket launcher often appears, but it may be a little subtle with only the biodoll. If you devote yourself to a place where there are a lot of them, you may feel exhilarating. I think it's good if it fits the game concept, but I don't think it's necessary

-Ch Sbreeze.999

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