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Thanks to everyone who voted on the Sentinel design.

Type A was the most popular, but there were also quite a few votes for Type C, so we thought it would be nice to mix the two.

We've put together a video to compare Type A and Type C.

We also improved the rigging of the Sentinel to make the ragdoll more natural.

We thought it would be nice to remove the B type and organize the Sentinel types according to the voting percentage as follows.

Type A (57%) / Type C (43%)

How is it?

센티넬 디자인에 관해 투표해주신 분들 모두 감사드려요.

A타입이 가장 높게 나왔는데 C타입도 꽤 많이 투표들 해주셔서 두 가지 타입을 섞어서 넣으면 어떨까 생각이 들었어요.

영상을 통해 A타입과 C타입을 비교할 수 있도록 준비했습니다.

그리고 센티넬의 리깅도 개선하여 래그돌이 더 자연스러워졌어요.

센티넬의 타입을 B타입을 빼고 투표율대로 아래와 같이 구성하면 어떨까 생각합니다.

A타입(57%) / C타입(43%)



Crawling Lab - Sentinel Type A + Type C

This is a private video for Patreon 후원자들을 위한 비공개 영상입니다. パトロン様向けの非公開映像です。 这是为支持者准备的私人视频。


Till Schmidt

She could lose the glasses with a rare chance on headshots which then makes her 1% more angry 👿 - toggle would be fine. The ragdolling looks even smoother indeed. Nice work.


I approve of Jawn and Till's advice.