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This is a skill test of the enemy Biodoll "Enhancer" from Crawling Lab.

The Enhancer has three main abilities: Ranged Attack / Biodoll Enhancement / Biodoll Recovery, and in this video we focus on Biodoll Enhancement.

Biodolls that are enhanced by the Enhancer will increase both their damage and health, as well as increase in size.

Depending on which Biodoll receives the enhancement, the difficulty can be significantly increased, so it's important to pay attention to Enhancer.


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-Ch Sbreeze.999

혹시 바이오돌마다 이동속도는 똑같은가요? 바이오돌 각 개체 포지션별로 이동속도도 달랐으면 좋겠다는 생각이 들었네요.


좋은 생각인 것 같아요. 추후 테스트를 거치며 이동속도 차이를 줄 수 있도록 고민해 보겠습니다. 👍


Nurses are sexy ;]