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This is a screenshot of the test subject monsters in the Crawling Lab. We're just getting started, so there's not much to show, but We're excited about it. because we're going to have a lot of female creatures.

크롤링 랩에 실험체 몬스터를 적용한 화면입니다. 이제 막 개발을 시작한 단계라 크게 보여드릴 것이 많지는 않아요. 하지만 여성형 크리쳐가 많이 등장할 예정이기 때문에 기대가 됩니다.

クロールラボに実験体モンスターを適用した画面です。 まだ開発が始まったばかりなので、あまりお見せできるものは少ないですが、女性型のクリーチャーがたくさん登場する予定なので楽しみです。




An FPS game would be fun! Perhaps a multi level progression system like in Abyss School would be cool. Or even adding in a zombies like level where you just survive as long as you can. Each level you survive unlocks a useful item that you can use to your advantage.


These are great ideas. We're very excited about our first FPS game, and we hope you'll follow along with us as we continue to develop. :D