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The Character-Plot Story is a story I write every month. The story will be based on one of the ideas that patrons of the Snake Venom and Sini's Breath tiers have submitted for the poll. CPS poll results will be announced on the 15th of each month, about 2 weeks after each poll. CPS stories are written before the next CPS poll, and are 3,000+ words in length as of February 1st 2019.

If you have "Spider Bite," you can vote once. If you have "Scorpion Sting," twice. If you have "Snake Venom," four times. If you have "Sini's Breath," five times. Yes—you can vote for a specific theme more than once! 

(ex: Patrons with "Sini's Breath" can vote for "dragon" five times, or "dragon" three times and "vore" twice, etc.)

If there are any ties, the first of the tied theme(s) to reach the tied number of votes has/have priority. 

When a patron submits an idea for one month, if they didn't win the poll the previous month or didn't submit an idea the previous month, their idea will enter the month's poll with 2 bonus votes. You can vote for multiple ideas, but only one of these ideas determines the next story.

1. Renoko's idea: "Renoko and Sini further gorge and get drunk off power and poison getting bigger. Ren gets a huge gut and they get lewd with each other, the planet may be doomed to be devoured from the powermad gluttonous duo." 

Kinks/themes: monster evolution, vore, weight gain, growth.

2. Midnight's idea: A sequel to "Between a Cock and a Log Place."   "Sivu performs a concert with his new 'equipment' sloshing and swaying between his legs.  This brings new fans in.  After the concert, backstage he gets a few visitors who want to 'explore' his new body...and two who want to 'donate' to his cause." 

 Kinks/themes: cock vore, hyper, growth of cock/balls, implied reformation, guitarist dragon pred. 

3. Smuxray's idea: "Abigail the kitsune mage begins study under a tutor, but chafes at their inflexible teaching standards and indifference. Despite being less powerful, Abigail devises a plan using magical artifacts to disable and consume her mentor, absorbing their magical prowess and a few choice physical traits as she digests them."

Kinks/themes: vore, female kitsune pred, ass/hip/breast pudge, magic/trait absorption.

4.  Drew's idea: "Two bodybuilder bullies are scaring off little peeps looking to improve their bodies. The tall, buff owner, and lead fitness trainer, Andy Renard, decides to put these jerks in their place. To steal the size and strength they abuse, against them, and finishing them off like morsels."

Kinks/themes: muscle growth, size theft, vore. 

5. Tungro's idea: "Sasha the lithe pine marten is sent into the forest to learn how to be a true male. Meeting Sini and Asako the fox, he’s aided in growing taller, much more muscular and in becoming a champion at belching. Eagerly, he shows off his new abilities and stature…" 

Kinks/themes: belching, growth, muscle growth.

6. Thomas/KHZard's idea: "Thomas the fox's roommate Sini sneaks up on him and feeds him a dragon and, later on, a horse, the fox churning them up and becoming more draconic and endowed with a massive horsecock... Thomas later smooches away Sini's belching skills and physical traits then teases him about it..."

Kinks/themes: vore, growth, attribute theft, absorption, belching.

7. Toothy's idea: A sequel to "Saber Growth: Taking a Bigger Role in the Pack."  "Caleb the sabertooth leads his new pack to the temple of the dragon god who shed the black scale which enables his size theft ability. Before he can challenge the god, he must amass more power... What better way to do so than mass-drain and devour the god's own followers?"

Kinks/themes: growth, size theft, vore, muscle growth, magic. 



1 vote for 6


5 for #1


2 votes for #7


4 votes for #7


2 votes for #4 2 votes for #7


4 votes for #7


5 votes for #2!