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1. Volkan's idea: "Sini is a difficult raid boss in an MMO. Volkan has been gathering parties together and intentionally causing them to fail just so he can feed Sini and level him up. " 15 votes +2 bonus votes = 17 votes

Kinks/themes: vore, gluttony, dragon pred, growth, MMORPG mechanics.

2.  Midnight's idea: A sequel to "Between a Cock and a Log Place."   "Sivu performs a concert with his new 'equipment' sloshing and swaying between his legs.  This brings new fans in.  After the concert, backstage he gets a few visitors who want to 'explore' his new body...and two who want to 'donate' to his cause."  6 votes +2 bonus votes  = 8 votes

Kinks/themes: cock vore, hyper, growth of cock/balls, implied reformation, guitarist dragon pred.

3. Renoko's idea: "A scientist accidentally pours a mutating chemical down the drain, it poisons the water supply and causes residents to turn into kaiju monsters.  When the scientist finds out he takes a vial and joins the kaiju mayhem.  A few kaiju devour and grow huge as the scientist joins them proposing they conquer the world."  13 votes +2 bonus votes = 15 votes

Kinks/themes: monster evolution, growth, vore, kaiju pred.

4. Smuxray's idea: "Abigail the kitsune mage begins study under a tutor, but chafes at their inflexible teaching standards and indifference. Despite being less powerful, Abigail devises a plan using magical artifacts to disable and consume her mentor, absorbing their magical prowess and a few choice physical traits as she digests them."  +2 bonus votes = 2 votes

Kinks/themes: vore, female kitsune pred, ass/hip/breast pudge, magic/trait absorption.

5.  Borusa's idea: "A Power Spot flares right as Bolide goes Mega, forming a feedback loop and turning him into an embiggening monster hungry for Pokéflesh to fuel greater growth spurts. Empowered by the energies radiating off him, other Pokémon try to stop him before he reaches critical mass and surges unfathomably vast."  10 votes +2 bonus votes = 12 votes

Kinks/themes: muscle-expansion, hyper-growth, vore, macro, absorption, Charizard pred. 

6. Exo's idea: "Kaiden the blue jay (Volkan's OC) gets egged on by his friends to smoke some howler, a new drug on the street that’s been rumored to have the best high out there... with the side effect of were-ifying you. Turns out it’s true. Blue jay vore ensues."  +2 bonus votes = 2 votes

Kinks/themes: vore, were transformation, bluejay pred.

Volkan's idea about raid bossery and growy vore gluttony takes the win!

The sequel story for "You: A Hungry Snake" is 75% finished ... Sorry for the delay, I plan to have it up sometime today.


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