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1. Renoko's idea: "A scientist accidentally pours a mutating chemical down the drain, it poisons the water supply and causes residents to turn into kaiju monsters.  When the scientist finds out he takes a vial and joins the kaiju mayhem.  A few kaiju devour and grow huge as the scientist joins them proposing they conquer the world." 5 votes +2 bonus votes = 7

2. Volkan's idea: "Sini and Volkan throw a housewarming dinner party, involving a belching contest to test the structural integrity of the place, and then the guests are the dinner once that's done~"  7 votes +2 bonus votes = 9 

3. Midnight's idea: "Sivu performs a concert with his new 'equipment' sloshing and swaying between his legs.  This brings new fans in.  After the concert, backstage he gets a few visitors who want to 'explore' his new body...and two who want to 'donate' to his cause." 1 votes  +2 bonus votes = 3

4. Smoivern's idea: "Abigail the kitsune mage begins study under a tutor, but chafes at their inflexible teaching standards and indifference. Despite being less powerful, Abigail devises a plan using magical artifacts to disable and consume her mentor, absorbing their magical prowess and a few choice physical traits as she digests them."  1 vote +2 bonus votes = 3

5. Drew's idea: "In the wild west, famed sheriff, Andy Renard, protects his hometown. Unbeknownst to the citizens, Andy is a werefox who dispatches his targets like prey. And with criminal he consumes, he becomes bigger and stronger, and soon he won’t be able to explain away the residual effects for long."  9 votes +2 bonus votes = 11

6. Sienna's idea: "Sienna and Co. are on a quest and they get ordered to explore the dungeon from the group leader (kink), and they find a line of potions, all of them are duds, save for one, and it makes the drinker very hungry and horny."  +2 bonus votes = 2

Drew's idea wins with 11 votes! 


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