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"Where's the Monthly Patron Story poll?" you may be wondering.

We voted to replace this month's MPS with another CPS story. The only difference is, instead of the ideas of patrons, you'll be voting on a slew of ideas I came up with. Vote as you would for a regular CPS! (SCPS rules, which are basically the CPS rules but with wording changes for context, are below:)

The Sini Character-Plot Story is a story I write ... well, whenever it gets voted for to replace the MPS story. The story will be based on ideas that I have submitted for the poll. SCPS poll results will be announced about 2 weeks after the poll (on the 1st or the 15th, depending on the time of month at which I drop the poll). SCPS stories are written before the following story poll, and are 3,000+ words in length currently. 

If you have "Spider Bite," you can vote once. If you have "Scorpion Sting," twice. If you have "Snake Venom," four times. If you have "Sini's Breath," five times. Yes—you can vote for a specific theme more than once! 

(ex: Patrons with "Sini's Breath" can vote for "dragon" five times, or "dragon" three times and "vore" twice, etc.)

If there are any ties, the first of the tied theme(s) to reach the tied number of votes has/have priority. 

You can vote for multiple ideas, but only one of these ideas determines the next story.


  1. A dragon becomes depressed. Kobolds and mages cheer up the dragon by feeding the dragon smaller dragons, as well as the magic of spells and the magic of powerful artifacts. 
  2. A sequel to “Outpredding the Predators of the Jungle Fortress”: Andy the huge, buff werefox enters the heart of the fortress, where the deathclaw Clove guards a stash of legendary, magical artifacts. Alas for Andy, using magic makes Clove grow bigger and buffer. Both become kaijus. Prevailing, Andy eats him.
  3. Sini and Renoko merge into a massive, two-headed goo dragon which gluts on the heroes, monsters and lands of Scaleback (my fantasy world) in order to grow huge and hefty, absorbing traits along the way.
  4. A hypnotic predator lures in a prey using pheromones, then digests them and spits them out as a minion resembling the pred. The minion helps the pred hunt one of the minion’s former friends.
  5. An anthro or quadruped weeaboo furry gets sucked into a color power fantasy manga. The weeaboo proceeds to be tricked by a villain into luring the heroes into a trap, and the villain eats and digests the heroes, adding them to his/her hips and absorbing their traits/skills. 
  6. A hyper male only becomes increasingly more virile and fertile, so much so that he later starts knocking up/impregnating females and even males with his pre and his scent alone. 
  7. Fried chicken is distributed among a group of hungry predator friends, but one of the friends fails to grab a single piece before it’s all gone. Solution? Eat all of his friends.



As much as I want to pick 5, 2 votes for 2


1 vore for 7


5 for #3, trait absorption and goo dragon fun is a huge mood right now


1 vote to 5




4 votes for 2!


5 votes for #2