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"Where's the Monthly Patron Story poll?" you may be wondering.

Last month, we voted to replace this month's MPS with another CPS story. The only difference is, instead of the ideas of patrons, you'll be voting on a slew of ideas I came up with. Vote as you would for a regular CPS! (SCPS rules, which are basically the CPS rules but with wording changes for context, are below:)

The Sini Character-Plot Story is a story I write ... well, whenever it gets voted for to replace the MPS story. The story will be based on ideas that I have submitted for the poll. SCPS poll results will be announced about 2 weeks after the poll (on the 1st or the 15th, depending on the time of month at which I drop the poll). SCPS stories are written before the following story poll, and are 3,000+ words in length as of February 1st 2019. (This CPS will be 3,500+ words in length, since I'm adding words that I forgot to add to the MPS this month.)

If you have "Spider Bite," you can vote once. If you have "Scorpion Sting," twice. If you have "Snake Venom," four times. If you have "Sini's Breath," five times. Yes—you can vote for a specific theme more than once! 

(ex: Patrons with "Sini's Breath" can vote for "dragon" five times, or "dragon" three times and "vore" twice, etc.)

If there are any ties, the first of the tied theme(s) to reach the tied number of votes has/have priority. 

You can vote for multiple ideas, but only one of these ideas determines the next story.

Idea 1:  A group of friends has a vore-based laser tag game. People who are lasered five times become vulnerable to being eaten (until then, anyone who tries eating them gets zapped). The person who eats all the others, or who eats the most people by the time the buzzer sounds for the end of the game, is the winner of the game.

Idea 2: Bullied on by a toned quad for being too small to be a pred, a lithe little anthro dragon decides to start hitting the gym. He gets so huge and swole that he outgrows the toned quadruped dragon. He then eats the bully and absorbs him, getting buffer and gaining some of the prey’s traits.

Idea 3: A seemingly vulnerable resident of a log cabin secluded in the woods is robbed of his rumored valuables by a group of travellers. The log cabin dweller hunts the robbers, picking them off one by one, cock voring them, adding to his cock size and load of seed with each cum digestion.

Idea 4: A Charizard gets goo-vored by a Noivern; the Noivern absorbs some of Charizard’s shape/physical traits, becomes an even bigger dragon.

Idea 5: Sini invites a bunch of prey-looking peeps to his hookah lounge. None of these prey-looking peeps know who the dragon is, only they think they’re about to take tokes of marijuana, but they end up toking from their hookah pipes the dragon’s mind poisons instead. They end up stoned as fuck and horny and resign themselves to falling into his beautiful gut.



4 votes for idea 2!


1 vote for 3


1 vote for 4


2 or 4 idk


Give it your best coin flip, my dude (else, I can't count this as a vote)


4 votes for #3 1 vote for #4