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Warning – Stuffing, gas and mild slob

Mercy put her hands on her hips. “Pharah, did we really need to make this much food? I mean, it’s only us here for now… Sombra said she was arriving soon though.” The girls were preparing for a new year’s party in Mercy and Pharah’s house; a small cottage on the outskirts of a mountain town.

Mercy was standing in front of the kitchen table, which was buckling under the weight of the feast on it. Junk food of all kinds, as well as enough desserts for a village were laid out on the table. Pharah grabbed some pizzas out the oven, and put them on the last empty space on the table, and shrugged. “I just thought I might as well go all out, can’t have a party without being hungry, can we?”.

“Mmmm yeah I don’t want to be hungry, but this might be more than even three of us could manage in days!” Mercy sighed. Pharah put her arm around Mercy’s shoulder and pulled her close, almost knocking the thinner girl off balance. “It’ll be fine, dear, I’ll make sure you manage~”. Mercy looked around at Pharah, “what do you mean by that?”.

At that moment, the doorbell rung. “Oh, that’ll be Sombra!” Pharah excused herself, and trotted over to the door, and opened it to reveal Sombra, who was carrying a large box of what smelt like a very spicy curry. “Hey Pharah! I bought along some food, y’know, just in case we run out~” She grinned, and stepped inside, with Pharah closing the door behind her, stopping the cold winter air rushing into the house.

“Nice place you got here! Wasn’t half hard to find it though…” Sombra smirked, putting down her curry on the lounge table, after leaving her shoes by the door. She was in a spacious room, a fire crackling in the fireplace, keeping the place warm and cozy. Pharah giggled “The being hard to find bit was one of our favourite things about it~ Oh, and if you need the bathroom, it’s just through that door and to the left” Pharah pointed one of the two doors in the room, one leading to the kitchen, and the other going to a corridor, from which you got to the bathroom and bedroom from.

“Alrighty, thanks!” Sombra said “What’s the plan for tonight then? Also, is it just us?”.

“Well I’ve made some food we can have, as I’m sure you’re hungry after the journey. I’ve also got some fireworks we can light later if we feel like it” Pharah explained “Oh, and Mercy is here, she’s just being shy and hiding in the kitchen”. Sombra giggled as Pharah walked over to the kitchen, leant in, and came out dragging mercy by the hand, and kept a tight hold to make sure she didn’t go back to the kitchen. “H-hey Sombra, I was just making sure the food was laid out correctly” Mercy blushed.

“Heh, it’s fine” Sombra smirked. “Can I have a look at the food though, sounds like you’ve got a good amount?”

“Yeah sure!” Pharah said, before looking at the time. “You know what, we might as well just have food now, everyone’s here”. She made her way into the kitchen, gesturing for the others to follow her. Sombra grabbed her curry on the way.

Once in the kitchen, Sombra’s mouth dropped open “H-how much food?!” she managed to stutter out.

“Enough! Mercy said she was veeery hungry~” Pharah gave Mercy’s belly a loud pat, making the girl blush bright red. “Make yourself comfortable in the lounge, Mercy, I’ll get some food for you” She added.

“F-fine, not too much though” Mercy said, “I’m not that hungry”. She went to the lounge, sat on the main sofa, and waited for Pharah and Sombra to come through.

“If I had known you had this much food, I wouldn’t have brought extra!” Sombra said, giggling whilst loading up her plate.

“Pfft don’t worry about it, Mercy looooves curry~” Pharah smirked, before whispering “doesn’t make her half gassy though…”. Despite this, she wasn’t adding any to Mercy’s plate yet, but she was stacking it up with all sorts of other things; several burgers, fries, pizza, hot dogs, and so much more.

When Sombra was done loading her plate she went into the lounge, and sat on the wide sofa next to Mercy. Pharah then picked up Mercy’s plate and brought it to her, and put it on her lap. Mercy’s eyes were wide, “Pharah!! I-I said not too much!!!”. On Mercy’s lap was just a pile of food, it was a miracle it wasn’t overflowing the plate onto her lap. “Stay right there and I’ll get your drink too, ok? I just need to get myself a plate of food too~ And Sombra, make sure Mercy actually starts eating.” With that, Pharah walked back into the kitchen.

Mercy looked over at Sombra “How am I meant to eat all this?! I’ll burst!!!”. Sombra was already busy stuffing her face, and looked up at Mercy, half a burger in her hands, cheeks pushed out as far as they could go, sauce smeared around her mouth. “Mmm?” She gulped down the burger in her mouth, a large lump going down her throat as the dense calories made their way to her belly. “You’d be *URP* surprised how much you could fit in your belly if you wanted, just see what you can eat!” Sombra gave her a happy grin, burping once more before getting stuck back into her burger.

Mercy turned away from the messy eating, swallowed, and settled her attention on her own meal. She picked up a slice of pizza, the end dripping with grease, and gingerly took a bite. It tasted amazing, she couldn’t deny that, but she couldn’t help but worry about the number of calories in that morsel alone.

At that moment, Pharah emerged from the kitchen. She had an equally stacked plate, which she placed on the table, near her armchair, before hopping back into the kitchen to grab a couple cola bottles. “Just in case you need something to wash it down~” She put them down on the table, grabbed her plate, and sat down in the armchair.

“C’mon Mercy, eat up, you’re just staring at your food!!!” This shocked Mercy; she had zoned out whilst gawking at the amount of food she had to eat. “S-sorry!” She shoved the slice of pizza into her mouth, getting grease around her lips, and dripping down her chin.

The night went on with the girls all eating. Pharah and Sombra went to refill their plates a couple times, whereas Mercy was struggling finishing off her first plate.

Sombra put her empty plate down on the table, after her third filling. Her belly was stretched to insane amounts, the tank top she wore having ridden up her belly so none of it was covered. Her face was covered in sauces, dripping down her chin and onto her top. Her arms flopped to her sides. “unnffff… *HIC* I can’t eat anything *UUURRPP* else…” She let her head fall backwards onto the back of the sofa, and relished in the feeling of being so incredibly full.

Pharah was in a similar situation; her belly was round like a basketball too. She looked over at Mercy struggling to eat the last couple burgers on her plate. Mercy was stopping every nibble to hiccup, rub at her swollen red belly and gasp for breath, wincing from how much her stomach was stretched out.

“C’mon Mercy, it’s not much more, you can manage!!!” Pharah encouraged. Mercy weakly shook her head, and a gurgling burp erupted from her mouth, causing her to blush in embarrassment. “I-I can’t…”

Pharah put her hands on the sides of her armchair. “Well, we can’t be having that, can we?” She tried to push herself up, but failed the first time, and the second, due to the huge size and weight of her belly. However, on the third try, she managed to get out of her chair. Now standing, she plodded over to Mercy. She moved the plate off Mercy’s lap, and sat there instead, the influx of weight making the sofa creak in complaint. As well as this, the two girls’ stuffed bellies were pressed into each other. Mercy’s hands shot to her mouth as her cheeks filled with gas. She tried to hold it in. “bbBOOUUUURRRRGHHPPPP!!!” She blushed, avoiding eye contact “Mmmmmfff…” she groaned, now caressing her poor belly.

Meanwhile, whilst Mercy was distracted with her gas, Pharah had grabbed the half-chewed burger. She grabbed Mercy’s jaw, and opened her mouth. The girl’s eyes flew wide open, before a burger was crammed into her mouth, and her jaw shut again. Mercy didn’t have the strength to protest. Messy mouthful after mouthful were shoved into her too-full belly, making it expand even more. Faint stretch marks started appearing. Her jeans were feeling tighter and tighter by the second.

She had no choice but to swallow it all, every last crumb that Pharah forced into her tired mouth ended up into her belly, adding to the huge amount of food she had eaten that day.

Eventually, Mercy’s torment was over, and the last bite of burger was in her belly. She felt her heart pumping in her belly, each gasp for breath making her wince. Loud hiccups came from the stuffed girl, her body limp in defeat.

Pharah patted Mercy’s belly with a loud smack. “Time for curry now, eh?”


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