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Edit: 8-1-23; Added process image which I forgot. Again.

Finally! After much patience and many requests on the monthly polls, Hanekawa Tusbasa has received the Fullbody Treatment; another image that wouldn't have happened if if weren't for you all, my dedicated patrons!

Bakemonogatari is another series I don't know too much about, but it has good character designs and recommendations from individuals I (mostly) trust. XD

This was a fun exercise; I tried to cover as much of a range of Tsubasa as possible given how many outfits and redesigns she has and I think I did well enough.

Also, don't ask how I came up with the background. A friend showed me some clips from the series, and this flashed into my head and became Something I Had To Try To See If I Could. I only had to cut a few minor features, so it mostly came out the way I wanted.

Bakemonogatari and all related characters are © Kodansha/ Aniplex/ Nisio Isin.

Art by Max Fullbody, not for public use or AI datasets without permission.



Toon Boy

This honestly might be your best piece yet, and it’s funny because I don’t even know anything about the series or the character. The colors are just so damn beautiful! The addition of the autumn leaves and the nice detail of them being blurred, the mix of orange and yellow colors, and the way the picture is lit up and glowing; it Just makes it feel the piece so lively and beautiful. And all those costumes look really good! Again, I don’t know anything about the character, but the details on all the Clothes look so good on each variant, like the way the hair and the skirt is moving from the wind, it really makes a picture feel so alive. And of course the beach pictures are cute and sexy lol


Thank you so much for the words of praise! That sort of fleeting moment of a character feeling 'alive' and 'in motion' was something I very much wanted to convey without really having articulated it in that way to myself. Good observation! I'm also glad the color heory worked out because I was struggling with it briefly. She probably should have more orange light on her, but I really didn't want to alter the colors of her outfit.


Truth be told idk who this character is, but she has glasses and dark hair, a nice combo in my opinion. Plus a very nice background indeed!

Username TakenB

The perspective and background are great. Killed it with this one


This is so cute!!!!!!! You did such an amazing job with her! I really hope you end up watching the show, because it's such a blast!


Glad ya like it! A friend of mine helped me get some extra references for it and he recommends it as well, so I'll definitely have to put it on My Anime List.