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First, I have decided to release the Rosaria Bonus Pic from last week to the public as it makes sense to do it directly next to the last Rosaria pic. (If anyone has an issue with this, feel free to sound off in the comments.)

Second: I may wait til Monday to get the April fan pollrequest thread going. I have done manual labor today and am tired. Even so, I may do it later on tonight; I haven't decided, but I have also not forgotten!

THIRD: There is apparently a new edict by the Patreon 'powers that be' going around that any account that has reported itself as producing adult content may be subject to new rules in the near future, the most immediate one being that a lot of 'mature content' creators are already being asked to provide photo ID to verify their account.

While my content feels incredibly tame to me, and I am confident that I am no more risqué than the kind of mainstream fan service you get in any given PG rated series, I still flagged my account as being potentially mature when I created it, because: A) I didn't know what content I would feel comfortable producing in the long run, and B) Just because I believe big girls in swim wear and lingerie are no more mature than slender girls in the same thing, doesn't mean that Patreon would agree with me.

I know some creators are actively choosing to leave patreon because of this new rule. Personally, I respect this decision as I have no idea what I'm going to do if I'm ordered to verify my own account. 

On the one hand, because my stuff is tame, I don't mind owning up to it around people if it becomes necessary. (Even if I'd prefer not to discuss it with Grandma.) On the other hand, I feel like requiring this only of 'mature content' creators is unfair and shouldn't be necessary.

Ultimately I'll probably stick around, but I won't actually know until I'm asked for credentials.

Finally, I know, having an entire update to tell you ya'll that I dont' know what I'm going to do in what is currently a hypothetical situation might be overkill, but I'd rather you all know that something is going on behind the scenes than be in the dark.

That is all! Now excuse me while I go and post stuff on DA!