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Toon Boy

The only thing I don’t like is that this reminds me that I still don’t have Rosaria lol but she looks super sexy and badass with the spear and pose! And I love the bikini pic! It’s also super sexy and cute and I love LOVE how you took out the spear and put a beach ball instead haha that’s is Sooo Creatively Cute! Also side note. I’m still always taken back by her having short hair. I like her hair lol but I always forget it because of her nun outfit


Oof! Hope you get her soon! When she came out, I actually was unable to get her for like... two banners. And then suddenly I got like... three of her in a row on Standard (or something ridiculous like that) One of the first characters I C6'd, ironically. (Need to use her a lot more) Yeah, both times I've drawn her I keep looking for a pony tail or something. I guess it's possible that she has more hair tucked up in her danger habit, but I can't prove its existence so I ain't drawin' it. XD