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Sorry it's not already done! I know I said it would be but then it was pointed out that, for some reason, the extremely southern US state where I live is getting the exact same weather my friend in New Jersey is experiencing. As such I needed to do a couple things outside that I definitely didn't want to do on Saturday because, holy cow, it's only getting up in the 20's tomorrow.

I realize I probably sound like a wuss to someone who lives in say, Maine, but what you gotta understand is that no houses in the south are insulated for this kind of weather and we typically don't keep the right type of clothing around for it either. >_>;

So I'm sittin' here with three layers of socks and a jacket just to be comfortable indoors with two heaters running, hoping to god my pipes don't freeze, so Yor is going to be a tiny bit late. 

... But she will arrive before Christmas! That much at least I can promise!




The way you draw big girl proportions is my favorite by far. You have this thing were they look like super heros but they t h i c k. haha I love it.


your process looks incredible


Thanks! :D Some of it is years of practice and some is just being willing to do enough line iterations that I overcome my short attention span and wind up with something decent in spite of myself. XD