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(EDIT: Fixed Default version to NOT have Patreon Logo on it.)

"Allow me to explain: The joke is predicated on the fact that, though uncommon, the adjective 'slight' can be used to describe someone with a small frame and or slender figure. Because Lyla has gained a large amount of weight, she can no longer be described as slight; hefty being more accurate, much like the level of inconvenience this could cause in her day to day life."
Cyno went and hijacked my comic! XD

So, I was struggling with a concept for this one initially, but after learning that Layla is a somnambulist and (apparently) Sometimes completes research papers in her sleep as well, I thought it would be funny if she was eating suspicious cookies during her slumber.

Then the idea to call in Cyno, who's job is to investigate and punish "academic crimes" snuck in and it was just too funny to resist.

In the lore, Cyno also has a habit of telling REALLY BAD JOKES, and then, when no one laughs, EXPLAINS THEM IN DETAIL which just adds another level of comedy I had to exploit.

.... And with that explanation, I have now Cyno'd you 3 times.

I'll see myself out.

Genshin Impact and all related Characters are © Hoyoverse/Mihoyo Co. Ltd.

Art and 'story' by Max Fullbody, not for use without permission.




The fucking pun killed me im not sure why. XD


It's because Cyno tells the best jokes. It's everyone else who just isn't on his level. XD

Toon Boy

A super cute Layla and a Cyno pun. What else can I ask for this holiday season lol