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Hurray! I finished it! Itto's right hand woman, Kuki Shinobu, receives a Fullbody Redesign to celebrate her release and the fact that I managed to get her as well!

Shinobu's design is deceptively complex. Her outfit is pretty simple except for a couple of key items that become very difficult when you try to think about them in 3D... That spaudler/sode on her left arm was a particular pain in the butt. (Please ignore all the places I cut corners on this one in general )

Note for patrons: If you look at the sketch progression you'll also notice that the final version is a much more static pose than the blue roughs; unfortunately, that kind of jaunty energy that I hyper focused on getting during the planning phase just kinda got lost over the course of the various iterations.

(This next part is for Genshin Nerds mostly)- Personally I like Shinobu; I do think she's a little more niche and underpowered than people had hoped and to be fair, her talent bonuses don't have the strongest scaling, BUT I am impressed with the number of ways you can build her and, come on... if you're trying to put together a team and you have "Electro damage" and "healer" competing for the same slot, she is the only character that can do both. (At least until we get Dori in Sumeru)
Speaking of Sumeru, people shouldn't forget that region is going to be dropping in about a month and we have no idea what kind of artifacts we'll be getting from there. Also, everyone said Kazuha and Kokomi were bad when they came out and now if you don't have them, 'do you even meta, bro?'

Well, that turned into a rant. Oops!

Genshin Impact and all related characters are © Hoyoverse/Mihoyo Co LTD.

Art and writing by Max Fullbody, not for public use without permission

One More note for patrons: HEY! I realized just last night that I haven't put up the thread for the monthly Poll request yet. Anyone who's paying attention probably noticed that I've had a rough week, though, so I'll get that up tomorrow. For now, I am very tired and I need to chill a bit. 



Toon Boy

And sumo wrestling ? I know it’s not in your plans but I’d pay something to see a pic or two of any of these Genshin girls in some sumo match lol


Everybody wants to see some kind of sumo thing; I guess I'm probably going to have to do something with it some time. XD

Toon Boy

Really ? people been asking for a sumo picture ?

Bluepen Greenpen

Eyyy, now she can wrestle Sara lol