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Today was kind of a mess; slept in and still tired; a distraction every 5 minutes- ANYWAY, I won't bore you with a bunch of complaining; I'll just pony up the roughs for this week's work; an update to the Heavy Metal character I designed way back when and then did nothing with. XD

I DO want to use this character for something but she's got a similar energy to another character I'm developing who is more of a 'shounen battle heroine' and I'm worried about depleting my energy to work on one with the other.  

Oops, I said I wasn't going to bore you complaining about stuff....

Left version is the one I'll be developing; camo pants and belly belt didn't really provide the feel I wanted. I think some dangling chains and belts from beneath the tank top might split the difference though. 



Daniel Bearchell

I feel like having more than one shounen-style battler character isn't a bad thing, since comics/shows like that tend to develop a cluster of characters anyway that serve to highlight or contrast the main character in some way. This new character could serve as the foil to your main girl like Vegeta to Goku, a fellow student learning alongside them like Ken to Ryu etc.


That's a good point, and I have considered that to a degree. It does create some different obstacles due to the nature of this other project and character if I go that route, but I might still be able to do both as long as I find the right 'hook' for each. Either way, I just want to make sure I don't over commit to something early on and then wind up moth balling it a little ways down the road. I have a pretty crummy attention span and I really don't want to get a reputation for that if I can help it. XD