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Hey ya'll! Just wanted to let you know that... the title above applies.  

I have activities going on almost every single day until Saturday. Tomorrow night is a movie (Jujutsu Kaisen 0!), Thursday I'm going to be out of town... and even Friday when I normally do the lion's share of my weekly work I've been invited out to a post-Birthday lunch. Fortunately, that's just lunch, but it's still a time sink.

Regardless I will get... SOMETHING posted this week; unfortunately at this rate I still don't know what it will be or when it will be.

At any rate, I appreciate your patience and I'll post sketches as soon as I have sketches to post! 


Toon Boy

Yo. Do what you need to do or just enjoy the week, but we can wait. Thanks for sharing your amazing work. Whatever it is you’ll post next will be worth checking out

Lucas Nobbon

Yeah, we will wait for you. I mean you got a movie you have been excited to watch. I could relate to that.