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I should have known I wouldn't be able to finish this whole darn thing in one day... Ugh, where did I go wrong? Was it ambition? Hubris?

I just hope ya'll are enjoying this stuff cuz if this ain't the content ya'll are lookin' for I'm sure doin' all this work for nothin' XD

Anyway I have a crazy busy day tomorrow but I'll try to get a little more done tomorrow night. May have to delay this into Monday at this rate though. Holy cow, when did my weeks get so crowded? >_>:

In all seriousness I'm hoping this will be one of the few painfully plot heavy pages in the Liyue arc and the next Liyue character images can all just be new fat characters one after another for a while. (Hu Tao's coming up, and then I'm hoping to get to Beidou, Yan Fei, Ningguang, Keqing and eventually Ganyu! ... though not necessarily in that order... Who am I forgetting??)

That said, I was also serious about wanting to know if ya'll are still enjoying this. If anyone isn't please sound off and I'll take a poll to see if I need to stop trying to make as detailed of a story out of this whole Genshin thing and maybe just do some run of the mill plus size work for a while.

ALSO, seeing as it's about to roll over into November I'll try to get a November poll suggestion thread up and running on the first!

Hopefully the next time I talk to ya'll I'll be done wit this thing... Until then! 



Lucas Nobbon

There is Qiqi, but you know you should not try making art like that based on lolis. Since that feels uncomfortable to do something like that.


Yeah, I was trying to remember if there were any non Chibi Liyue Residents I hadn't named above.

Bluepen Greenpen

Story is cute imo, enjoying it a lot

Lucas Nobbon

BTW, when you do Beidou, I hope you add in Kazuha reacting to her fat transformation.


Since you have been asking so diligently and it makes sense in continuity that he would be there I shall relent and include him when I do Beidou Plus. *thumbs up*


I really like how Xinyan looks really like “puffy” and stuff and I also really like her expression. It’s coming along good!