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Sigh... I could have come up with a better title I bet.

Yumi tries jogging. I don't think she's enjoying it very much. I was going to put a caption on that said "how do skinny people do this crap???" But I figured her sentiment was more than adequately implied through expression.

And yes! That is her name! I was going to save revealing her name for 'the right time? But duck it, I have no idea when I'm going to get back around to doing stuff with the sisters; I won't lie I've kind of been distracted by ideas for other OCs and stuff. ^_^;

Art by Flex Muffinator; not for use without permission



Daniel Bearchell

I think I just realised how much I really love how expressive your character are. A lot of artists that do larger women seem to gravitate towards very neutral expressions, especially that sort-of half smile look, but I really appreciate the range of expressions you give these works.


Thank you so much! :D I love expressions, there's so many things you can communicate about a character if you can get the nuances down right.