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So, you were all right to hold me to my word and make her XL.

While I think the first draft might have been fun, I went back and upgraded the size and it just was not coming together (which was really unfortunate because i got all the way to iterating on lines and costumes)

That said, I'm not a big fan of the sunk cost fallacy and someone made a comment about her chair on yesterday's rough so this morning I got up and proceeded to get inspired.

Flirting a bit with immobile territory here but uh... It looks too good so we're goin for it.




I mean hey, she could probably still move.... Probably being the key word here. I will say while I did really enjoy the previous sketch. This one also looks really good too!


OH YESS! And due to me having seen a bit of spoilers for her story and such. I know she's gonna be able to move still, at least in that one mode/phase


I need to log back in and do her story quest at some point. I'm kind of scared to get back on Genshin given I've finally been able to "break the habit", though. XD


Awesome! I think this will be a lot more fun to draw too, so I'm glad people are pleased about it.