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I've been thinking about it and the conclusion I've come to is that I want to try giving my Monthly Muscle MAX drawings their own poll and see what happens.

My thinking is that, while the honorable mention system does exist to give characters with more niche appeal a shot at getting a painting, I worry that Muscle Drawing requests just have too much of an uphill battle.

While my intention was always to mix both into my lineup, when I started out as "Flex Muffinator" covid had put me in a headspace where bbw art was the catharsis I needed and that was what I ended up focusing on almost exclusively. As a result, the bulk (:V) of my following is built on that and a recent poll shows that %60 of my patrons who responded prefer BBW art.

Granted, I actually expected the numbers to be stacked further in favor of BBW art. Regardless, that's more than half of my followers that will most likely never vote for a character with the "Max" designation, even if it's a character they like.

Anyway, that's my thinking, so we're gonna try a new poll scheme this month and see what happens. If you have any thoughts or concerns feel free to voice them in DMs or below!

PS: I am aware that as of this week I'm due for a Monthly Muscle MAX drawing; I will go ahead and offer one up next week to tide people over til I can get June Poll events sorted out. I know it should have been this week but this week is off to a weird start and I already sketched up a rough for an honorable mention- Coming Soon: Nakano Ayako | Patreon

Sorry, and stay tuned for more info!


Nate of Fate

Just out of curiosity, will we also get "plus" version of a "max" character?


It's something I've tried to do in the past and would honestly love to do but, sadly, it's not something I can promise for the same reason I don't do a Max version of every character who wins the standard poll: The severe difference in body shape means that the groundwork I set up with the plus version doesn't carry over much and (basically) I wind up still having to do a full second drawing from the ground up. (Background excluded)