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Okay it's funny that the complicated one is shorter than the "easy" one.

Okay, so I already mentioned that I ended up disliking the first-come-first-served method of selecting poll candidates as it favors people in certain time zones and penalizes people in others.

So, in order to avoid creating a "Poll Request membership" for as long as possible-

 I'm implementing the following changes:

  • There will be no limit to the number of patrons allowed to make poll suggestions. (Patrons may still only make one suggestion)

  • Final candidates will be selected randomly via RNG.

  • RNG will be weighted by Suggestion Tier: $3 tier suggestions get entered once, $5 Tier Suggestions get entered twice, and $10 tier suggestions get entered three times.

I have done some experimentation with the spreadsheet that will be making the selections, and it functions pretty well. I typically end up with one to three entries from the $3 tier, and then a close to even split on the $5tier and $10tier, favoring the $10 by between 1 and 4 entries.

Of course there are some unexpected splits that don't make any sense, but this is RNG after all.

I'll be rolling this system out for the next Poll event this coming month but wanted to announce it a little in advance so that anyone who wishes to provide feedback may do so!


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