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Remember last month I said that I was having some trouble with the system and might need to make some changes? 

After the March request period, the April poll already has 7 deferred requests, meaning that half of the April poll is going to be holdovers from March, which feels like things have gotten a bit out of hand to me. 

As such March request deferrals will be the last ones under the current version of the system and the April '24 poll will be the last poll to feature deferrals from a previous month.

While I very much want to include as many people as possible in the polls and give everyone a shot at getting a drawing of a character they like in due time, we have just enough members that it is becoming more difficult to do so. 

I discovered in the past that uncapped polls, and now the deferral system, both create certain bottlenecks and backlogs that make bookkeeping for the polls very difficult, while not really making it easier for lesser-known characters to get a shot at the limelight.  

I am currently debating with myself on a few possible solutions that will be as fair as possible and leave the least number of people disappointed.  

If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to leave them below, otherwise: Further bulletins as events warrant! 



Not sure how to solve the overflow of suggestions, but if you want to give some of the lesser options a winning shot, I'd recommend using a RNG decision maker like wheeldecide.com and weighting the options by repeating the name of said option by the amount of votes they have, that way those with a high count still have a good shot at winning, while also leaving a window open for the lesser picks. Granted, wheeldecide only has 100 slots for options, and the votes usually go over 100, so you could either find a similar tool with unlimited options OR make it into a tournament by spliting the votes up into two separate wheels, and the winner from each get pitted against each other in a final wheel spin, bonus points if the runner up in that final round receives an honorary mention


Oh! Now that I think about, while I'm talking about external websites, using a site like strawpoll.com gives you far more options than the limited amount Patreon gives you